Thursday, April 9, 2015

My favorite logo is "The Hugs & High-Fives" tour logo. this is my favorite logo because i like its message and simplicity. The man who does volunteer bike tours is a great guy. he was inspired by the death of his close friend in 9/11 and since then has been biking all over the world, stopping in various places, and volunteering his time to help make the world a better place. 

I like the simplicity of the logo because it is just a simple hand print and the country he is currently touring. I admire the use of red for the rest of the world because its a symbol of strength, warmth, and love. it also makes the continent hand pop. the colors aren't too intrusive and it makes you trust the message behind the logo. i also like the simplicity because this logo could have been extremely complicated, its hard to portray the warmth and feeling of a hug and i feel that the red captures that perfectly. The hand for the high five as what makes up the world is great also because its huge, it gives the sense that its for everyone and the positivity is universal. 

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